Fascial Stretch, Massage Therapy, Pilates, Yoga & Health Coaching

Accept or Decline?


This popped up on my Facebook feed today, posted by a mama friend, Jenny at Create Wellness.

On a daily basis, I find myself talking with strangers. Every single day.

And I love to know stuff, I am super curious!  I struggle and am intimidated discussing serious topics sometimes, but I know I am not alone and having radically honest conversations about uncomfortable feelings or topics is one of my tasks in this lifetime.  But asking questions, the hard questions doesn’t scare me a bit (well, I suppose it depends on the person or whether or not I am afraid of the answer, but in most cases you can bet your ass I am going to ask you to get real).  And to think, I have been given a hard time on occasion for asking too many questions.   My dear friend Colleen and my human design guide let me know that it makes perfect sense because I have the gate of curiosity in my chart.  It is almost as if I can’t even help it!

Considering we have over 60,000 thoughts a day, I would imagine this one crosses my mind each and every day … how many people are living their dreams?  How many are just living the life they have been conditioned to live? How many are living the life for a paycheck or simply just to please others?  I wonder this all of the time!

I get to ask my passengers this question all of the time.  I am curious, and more often than not I hear that they are working for a paycheck, or are simply afraid they won’t make it if they follow their dreams, their dream job won’t pay enough or they have been given that message somewhere growing up.

The other day I picked up a guy at the helicopter convention in town and he has known nothing else but helicopter parts sales.  He shares with me he only finds a little bit of pleasure in his field and that he has benefited financially, but what he really wants to do is be a butcher!  His dream job is to
open up a butcher shop.  I personally thought I sounded cool! I’d love to be able to go to the local, neighborhood butcher to buy some fresh, locally-raised, grass-fed organic beef!  But all of the messages he has received along the way is keeping him from following his dreams.

What are your dreams?  I have asked the question before.  Have you tucked them up on that shelf, and if so is it time to dust them off and bring them back down? Should you take a look at your dreams again? Is it time to remove some of the mental messages that are keeping you from going after your dreams?  Is it time to reassess and figure out if those dreams are the same, or if they have evolved?

Only you know, and if you aren’t sure …if you can find time for stillness and silence to really listen to your heart, you will know your next step!

Find your light…over and over and over again!


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