I find hearts in nature all of the time. This particular heart was on the trunk of a tree as I stood outside of the Donald Trump rally in my good ole hometown of Louisville, KY. I was not there to promote ugliness or hatred, however I found myself struggling with a variety of emotions that were arising from deep within as I stood on the opposite of the long line of Trump supporters. Many hateful remarks and comments were hollered across the street towards us, many made fun of us and took pictures of the small group of us who were there in support of humanity, equality, justice and peace.
Emotions of disgust, frustration, fear, anger arose…I questioned where these people came from who carried such hatred and anger with them, who were they and how did our country find it’s way to this place? I also acknowledged if I came from a place of judgment, anger or hate then I too was no different and am no different than those standing across from me.
So where does that leave me? There I stood and in that moment as I contemplated this, I found love right smack dab on the tree
on a tree. I realized, well, I already knew, I needed to find love and compassion for the part of myself that was making judgements of the claimed enemy, I needed to find love and compassion for those across from me as well. Here we were standing across from one another, really, both, fearful of different outcomes. Only LOVE can change the world and bring everyone together, and the more love we offer to those who are promoting hate, the more quickly I believe we will see them transform. At least that is my hope!
Find your light…over and over and over again!