Fascial Stretch, Massage Therapy, Pilates, Yoga & Health Coaching



Hot damn! I am gainfully employed but as I mentioned I have had a very inconsistent income.  It has been tough as I have had to reach out for help from others.

I was incredibly blessed as my dad and his family were fantastic providers!  He and his family have given me the privileges of luxuries not everyone had the opportunity to have amongst them being a 100 percent paid for undergraduate and graduate degree.  My great grandfather set aside money for me to go to college and because I chose a state school, I was fortunate to have money leftover and this money allowed me to be a part-time stay at home mom. 
I have always worked part-time as well spending most of time in restaurant work because of the flexibility restaurant work allows.  Not to mention, folks go out to eat for a break, to spend time with friends and family and to have a good time.  As a server I aimed to provide my diners with an enjoyable experience.  
A lack of consistent income has been tough, and my bank account has yo-yo’ed, into the RED a couple of times.  This week that incident occurred.   I went over by about $3 when I bought some gas, and although I am now earning an income, I had not received my first paycheck.  It arrives today! Yay!

I knew I had gone overdrawn, and I knew I needed ten bucks to put me above water.  I mentioned this to my daughter and my significant other at dinner time.  After dinner wrapped up I turned on Lyft app for work and I got a ding within just a few moments.  I got in my car and went to scoop the gentleman up to take him home.  He lived in Crestwood and I picked him up in Saint Matthews, so it was a haul.  We chatted about boys and kids in high school as he has twin grandsons and then when I dropped him off, he got out his wallet and gave me a


TEN DOLLAR BILL!   I had not yet received any sort of cash tip, but once again the Universe provided.  I had no idea the HOW, the WHO or the WHEN, but it did! 

Remember,  what you think about you MANIFEST, so be sure to watch your thoughts! Become AWARE and meditation and sitting in stillness is a great way to begin!

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